$ sudo pacmna -S shairport-sync
$ sudo systemctl enable shairport-sync
alsa =
output_device = "default"; // the name of the alsa output device. Use "alsamixer" or "aplay" to find out the names of devices, mixers, etc.
mixer_control_name = "default"; // the name of the mixer to use to adjust output volume. If not specified, volume in adjusted in software.
mixer_device = "default"; // the mixer_device default is whatever the output_device is. Normally you wouldn't have to use this.
修改成 hw:0
。具体是什么要用 aplay -l
alsa =
output_device = "hw:0"; // the name of the alsa output device. Use "alsamixer" or "aplay" to find out the names of devices, mixers, etc.
mixer_control_name = "PCM"; // the name of the mixer to use to adjust output volume. If not specified, volume in adjusted in software.
mixer_device = "hw:0"; // the mixer_device default is whatever the output_device is. Normally you wouldn't have to use this.
然后启动服务,打开iOS设备,就可以在手机上点歌,笔记本上放歌了 :)
不过我重启之后,使用 hw:0
又不行了,改回 default
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