lease是租约,类似于Redis中的TTL(Time To Live)。可以看一下怎么使用lease:
cli, err := clientv3.New(clientv3.Config{
Endpoints: endpoints,
DialTimeout: dialTimeout,
if err != nil {
defer cli.Close()
// minimum lease TTL is 5-second
resp, err := cli.Grant(context.TODO(), 5)
if err != nil {
// after 5 seconds, the key 'foo' will be removed
_, err = cli.Put(context.TODO(), "foo", "bar", clientv3.WithLease(resp.ID))
if err != nil {
type Lease struct {
ID LeaseID
ttl int64 // time to live of the lease in seconds
remainingTTL int64 // remaining time to live in seconds, if zero valued it is considered unset and the full ttl should be used
// expiryMu protects concurrent accesses to expiry
expiryMu sync.RWMutex
// expiry is time when lease should expire. no expiration when expiry.IsZero() is true
expiry time.Time
// mu protects concurrent accesses to itemSet
mu sync.RWMutex
itemSet map[LeaseItem]struct{}
revokec chan struct{}
// Lessor owns leases. It can grant, revoke, renew and modify leases for lessee.
type Lessor interface {
// SetRangeDeleter lets the lessor create TxnDeletes to the store.
// Lessor deletes the items in the revoked or expired lease by creating
// new TxnDeletes.
SetRangeDeleter(rd RangeDeleter)
SetCheckpointer(cp Checkpointer)
// Grant grants a lease that expires at least after TTL seconds.
Grant(id LeaseID, ttl int64) (*Lease, error)
// Revoke revokes a lease with given ID. The item attached to the
// given lease will be removed. If the ID does not exist, an error
// will be returned.
Revoke(id LeaseID) error
// Checkpoint applies the remainingTTL of a lease. The remainingTTL is used in Promote to set
// the expiry of leases to less than the full TTL when possible.
Checkpoint(id LeaseID, remainingTTL int64) error
// Attach attaches given leaseItem to the lease with given LeaseID.
// If the lease does not exist, an error will be returned.
Attach(id LeaseID, items []LeaseItem) error
// GetLease returns LeaseID for given item.
// If no lease found, NoLease value will be returned.
GetLease(item LeaseItem) LeaseID
// Detach detaches given leaseItem from the lease with given LeaseID.
// If the lease does not exist, an error will be returned.
Detach(id LeaseID, items []LeaseItem) error
// Promote promotes the lessor to be the primary lessor. Primary lessor manages
// the expiration and renew of leases.
// Newly promoted lessor renew the TTL of all lease to extend + previous TTL.
Promote(extend time.Duration)
// Demote demotes the lessor from being the primary lessor.
// Renew renews a lease with given ID. It returns the renewed TTL. If the ID does not exist,
// an error will be returned.
Renew(id LeaseID) (int64, error)
// Lookup gives the lease at a given lease id, if any
Lookup(id LeaseID) *Lease
// Leases lists all leases.
Leases() []*Lease
// ExpiredLeasesC returns a chan that is used to receive expired leases.
ExpiredLeasesC() <-chan []*Lease
// Recover recovers the lessor state from the given backend and RangeDeleter.
Recover(b backend.Backend, rd RangeDeleter)
// Stop stops the lessor for managing leases. The behavior of calling Stop multiple
// times is undefined.
可以看出来作为一个lessor,也就是管理lease的东东,需要实现这些接口。我们具体关注怎么完成Grant,此外,expiration是怎么做的。 所以我们找到具体的实现来看看:
// lessor implements Lessor interface.
// TODO: use clockwork for testability.
type lessor struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
// demotec is set when the lessor is the primary.
// demotec will be closed if the lessor is demoted.
demotec chan struct{}
leaseMap map[LeaseID]*Lease
leaseHeap LeaseQueue
leaseCheckpointHeap LeaseQueue
itemMap map[LeaseItem]LeaseID
// When a lease expires, the lessor will delete the
// leased range (or key) by the RangeDeleter.
rd RangeDeleter
// When a lease's deadline should be persisted to preserve the remaining TTL across leader
// elections and restarts, the lessor will checkpoint the lease by the Checkpointer.
cp Checkpointer
// backend to persist leases. We only persist lease ID and expiry for now.
// The leased items can be recovered by iterating all the keys in kv.
b backend.Backend
// minLeaseTTL is the minimum lease TTL that can be granted for a lease. Any
// requests for shorter TTLs are extended to the minimum TTL.
minLeaseTTL int64
expiredC chan []*Lease
// stopC is a channel whose closure indicates that the lessor should be stopped.
stopC chan struct{}
// doneC is a channel whose closure indicates that the lessor is stopped.
doneC chan struct{}
lg *zap.Logger
// Wait duration between lease checkpoints.
checkpointInterval time.Duration
可以看到,里边有一个 leaseMap
, 有 leaseHeap
,为什么要有两个呢?堆的特性不知道大家还记得吗?此处的 leaseHeap
type LeaseQueue []*LeaseWithTime
func (pq LeaseQueue) Len() int { return len(pq) }
func (pq LeaseQueue) Less(i, j int) bool {
return pq[i].time < pq[j].time
func (pq LeaseQueue) Swap(i, j int) {
pq[i], pq[j] = pq[j], pq[i]
pq[i].index = i
pq[j].index = j
func (pq *LeaseQueue) Push(x interface{}) {
n := len(*pq)
item := x.(*LeaseWithTime)
item.index = n
*pq = append(*pq, item)
func (pq *LeaseQueue) Pop() interface{} {
old := *pq
n := len(old)
item := old[n-1]
item.index = -1 // for safety
*pq = old[0 : n-1]
return item
所以,怎么保证lease失效呢?我们每次从小堆里判断堆顶元素是否失效,失效就 Pop
就可以了。那为什么又要有 leaseMap
这样可以加速查找,毕竟,哈希表的时间复杂度是 O(1)
func NewLessor(lg *zap.Logger, b backend.Backend, cfg LessorConfig) Lessor {
return newLessor(lg, b, cfg)
func newLessor(lg *zap.Logger, b backend.Backend, cfg LessorConfig) *lessor {
checkpointInterval := cfg.CheckpointInterval
if checkpointInterval == 0 {
checkpointInterval = 5 * time.Minute
l := &lessor{
leaseMap: make(map[LeaseID]*Lease),
itemMap: make(map[LeaseItem]LeaseID),
leaseHeap: make(LeaseQueue, 0),
leaseCheckpointHeap: make(LeaseQueue, 0),
b: b,
minLeaseTTL: cfg.MinLeaseTTL,
checkpointInterval: checkpointInterval,
// expiredC is a small buffered chan to avoid unnecessary blocking.
expiredC: make(chan []*Lease, 16),
stopC: make(chan struct{}),
doneC: make(chan struct{}),
lg: lg,
go l.runLoop()
return l
倒数第二行,go l.runLoop()
func (le *lessor) runLoop() {
defer close(le.doneC)
for {
select {
case <-time.After(500 * time.Millisecond):
case <-le.stopC:
每500毫秒会进行一次循环,检查失效的lease然后传递到 expiredC
这个channel里。但是 type lessor struct
$ ack -Q 'ExpiredLeasesC()'
126: ExpiredLeasesC() <-chan []*Lease
559:func (le *lessor) ExpiredLeasesC() <-chan []*Lease {
906:func (fl *FakeLessor) ExpiredLeasesC() <-chan []*Lease { return nil }
380: case el := <-le.ExpiredLeasesC():
433: case el := <-le.ExpiredLeasesC():
1013: expiredLeaseC = s.lessor.ExpiredLeasesC()
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