WAL(Write-ahead logging)的套路

WAL的全称是 Write-ahead logging, 是一种常见的用于持久化数据的方式, 通常性能都很不错, 利用了磁盘连续写的性能高于随机读写的这一个特性. 一般来说, WAL都是用于这样一种场景, 记录操作日志, 数据库收到合法请求之后, 首先在WAL里写入一条记录, 然后再开始进行内存 操作以及需要更长时间的操作, 假如此时应用崩溃, 那么应用可以读取WAL来进行重建/修复, 也就是说, 只要提交到WAL里并且落盘的数据, 就可以认为是一定被持久化了的.

我去阅读了一下 Redis的AOF , 以及 RocksDB 的实现, 结合之前看NSQ的经验, 总结了一下WAL的一些实现套路. 接下来我们分别来看看.


在Redis中有一种持久化方式就叫做 AOF , 全称Append-Only-File, 简单来说, 就是如下代码:

    /* Open the AOF file if needed. */
    if (server.aof_state == AOF_ON) {
        server.aof_fd = open(server.aof_filename,
        if (server.aof_fd == -1) {
            serverLog(LL_WARNING, "Can't open the append-only file: %s",

也就是说, 我们以追加的方式写入文件, 操作系统来保证每一次调用都总是写在文件的末尾. 我们来看看Redis是 怎么把操作日志写入的:

void flushAppendOnlyFile(int force) {
    ssize_t nwritten;
    int sync_in_progress = 0;
    mstime_t latency;
    nwritten = aofWrite(server.aof_fd,server.aof_buf,sdslen(server.aof_buf));

/* This is a wrapper to the write syscall in order to retry on short writes
 * or if the syscall gets interrupted. It could look strange that we retry
 * on short writes given that we are writing to a block device: normally if
 * the first call is short, there is a end-of-space condition, so the next
 * is likely to fail. However apparently in modern systems this is no longer
 * true, and in general it looks just more resilient to retry the write. If
 * there is an actual error condition we'll get it at the next try. */
ssize_t aofWrite(int fd, const char *buf, size_t len) {
    ssize_t nwritten = 0, totwritten = 0;

    while(len) {
        nwritten = write(fd, buf, len);

        if (nwritten < 0) {
            if (errno == EINTR) continue;
            return totwritten ? totwritten : -1;

        len -= nwritten;
        buf += nwritten;
        totwritten += nwritten;

    return totwritten;

对于 write 这个系统调用, 操作系统是可能会阻塞线程的, 至少在把内容提交到内核的缓冲区这段时间是 阻塞的, 所以Redis的主线程可能被阻塞, 不过正常情况下, 当内核的缓冲区够用时, 这个系统调用可以很快 的返回, 也正是因此, 这个系统调用完成后, 并不等于数据真的写入到磁盘了, 因此Redis会根据 appendfsync 这个参数, 如果设置的是 everysec, 那么每秒会执行一次 fsync(Linux上使用的 fdatasync), 这个 系统调用就会确保缓冲区内的内容真的落到磁盘上了.

$ man 2 fdatasync
       #include <unistd.h>

       int fdatasync(int fildes);

       The fdatasync() function shall force all currently queued I/O operations associated with the file indicated by file descriptor fildes to the synchronized I/O com‐
       pletion state.

$ man 2 write
       A successful return from write() does not make any guarantee that data has been committed to disk.  On some filesystems, including NFS, it does not even guarantee
       that space has successfully been reserved for the data.  In this case, some errors might be delayed until a future write(), fsync(2), or even close(2).  The  only
       way to be sure is to call fsync(2) after you are done writing all your data.

对于常见的应用, 我们最常见的配置就是 AOF + 每秒刷盘, 这样是一个数据安全+写入性能好好的权衡, 但同时 可以见得, 如果Redis服务器在执行 fdatasync 之后的一秒之内断电了, 那么这部分数据就会丢失.

综上所述, Redis的AOF策略就是内存保存 aof_buf, 然后写入到操作系统的缓存里, 加上定时刷盘. 至于写入的 内容, 其实就是 Redis Protocol 的内容.


策略和Redis差不多, 参考: https://jiajunhuang.com/articles/2020_08_16-nsq_source_code.md.html


RocksDB的设计比较复杂一些, 如下:


       +-----+-------------+--+----+----------+------+-- ... ----+
 File  | r0  |        r1   |P | r2 |    r3    |  r4  |           |
       +-----+-------------+--+----+----------+------+-- ... ----+
       <--- kBlockSize ------>|<-- kBlockSize ------>|

  rn = variable size records
  P = Padding

r0, r1…r4 是每一条记录, 也就是一个record. 可以看到, 日志文件被 分为多个块, 每一个块大小为 kBlockSize, 也就是32KB. 如果一个block里 的剩余空间可以放得下一个record, 那么就放下去, 比如r0, 如果放不下了, 那么剩余的空间就会被置空, 比如 r1和r2中间的P.


  • The Legacy Record Format

    +---------+-----------+-----------+--- ... ---+
    |CRC (4B) | Size (2B) | Type (1B) | Payload   |
    +---------+-----------+-----------+--- ... ---+
    CRC = 32bit hash computed over the payload using CRC
    Size = Length of the payload data
    Type = Type of record
       (kZeroType, kFullType, kFirstType, kLastType, kMiddleType )
       The type is used to group a bunch of records together to represent
       blocks that are larger than kBlockSize
    Payload = Byte stream as long as specified by the payload size
  • The Recyclable Record Format

    +---------+-----------+-----------+----------------+--- ... ---+
    |CRC (4B) | Size (2B) | Type (1B) | Log number (4B)| Payload   |
    +---------+-----------+-----------+----------------+--- ... ---+
    Same as above, with the addition of
    Log number = 32bit log file number, so that we can distinguish between
    records written by the most recent log writer vs a previous one.


  • FULL 说明所有数据都在这一个record里
  • FIRST 说明record太大, 一个block装不下, 这是第一个
  • MIDDLE 说明这是record切分后, 中间的
  • LAST 说明这是record切分后, 该record最后一个内容

RocksDB处理WAL的逻辑是, 每当打开一个DB, 或者column family刷盘了, 就创建一个新的WAL. 因此可以看出, RocksDB对于WAL的处理也是写磁盘, 然后策略触发flush.


这篇博客里, 看了一下几种WAL的设计和实现, 可以总结出来, 大部分的WAL 实现, 都是 write + 定期 fdatasync 这种模式, 这样可以保证 数据的最大可用性, 至于WAL文件的格式本身, 这取决于应用将要如何使用 WAL, 比如NSQ和Redis只需要从头读取里面的内容, 因此基本上就是直接写入, Redis为了防止AOF太大, 还会进行AOF重写. 而RocksDB则实现的跟复杂一些, 保存了payload大小等内容到内容的前面, 这样就可以快速的跳过一些内容进行查询.


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